Friday, October 15, 2010

Home Made Garlicy Italian Seasoning

I was making a dish that called for Italian seasoning tonight and I realized that I didn't have I made some.

2 tbsp. each dried herb:
  • oregano
  • marjoram
  • rosemary (crush it in your hands)
  • thyme
  • basil
To make it garlicy, I added 1 tbsp. garlic powder.  Combine all in a used glass jar that you've washed and set aside for such a time as this.  Return the lid, give it a good shake and set with all of your other spices.  I borrowed a trick from my friend, Jeanette.  I made a tag and attached it with a ribbon so I'd remember what it is later.

You can add about 1/2 tbsp. to ricotta cheese when making any Italian dishes.  You can also season chicken or pasta with it.  Add a little olive oil and you are good to go!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hippie Rice

I threw a pound of beef at this vegetarian recipe, but you can leave it out.  I got the recipe from The Passionate Vegetarian, by Crescent Dragonwagon.  My kids call it "treasure rice" because there are so many fun things to find.  I will show the recipe as it was intended but put my additions as well.

Hippie Rice
2 tsp-1 tbsp. oil
1 lg. onion (I used half)
1 lg. green bell pepper
1 carrot
5-6 mushrooms (I just grabbed a handful of sliced portabello)
1 celery
4 1/2 c. brown rice, cooked (I used 3 c., but 4 1/2 would make this meal work for 2 nights)
2 tbsp. raisins (I used a generous handful)
2 tbsp. dries apricots (I used 4 big ones that I diced)
2 tbsp. pecans (I used a generous handful of soaked pecans cooked according to the Nourishing Traditions recipe for crispy pecans, chopped)
2-4 oz. cheddar cheese cubes
1/2 tbsp. caraway seed
1/2 tsp. dried basil
1/4 tsp. rosemary
1/4 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. celery seed
1/4 tsp. dried thyme (I used sage bc I don't like thyme)
I added 1 lb. free range, hormone free beef
I also added beef broth to the rice water

1.  Get 3 c. water or beef broth to a boil.  Add 1 1/2 c. dry rice.  Cook for about 30 minutes on medium low, or however you like to cook it.
2.  Chop all veggies (excluding nuts, dried fruit and cheese).  Combine all spices in a small bowl.
3.  Heat oil in a large pot.  Add beef and spices.  Cook about 3/4 of the way, crumbling as it cooks.  Add veggies and stir occasionally until the meat and veggies are cooked all the way through.
4.  Combine raisins, chopped nuts and apricots.  Toss into meat mixture and distribute evenly.  Reduce heat to low and cover with a lid until the rice is finished.  If not using meat, saute veggies in oil and set aside until the rice is done.
5.  Cube 1/2 block (4 oz.) cheddar cheese.  Add finished rice to the large pot.  Stir well.  Remove from heat.  Add cheese and mix well.  Cheese cubes will melt as little bites of happiness through out the rice.  Don't mix to melt all the cheese.  Leave it speckled with cheese.  Serve immediately.